March 12, 2020
5:45 P.M.

Committee members present: Bob Cleary, Craig Harvey, Nate Kline
Council members present: Haney, Hock, Pierce, Rist
Administration present: Mayor Sam Cramblit, Finance Director John Elam

The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. by Chairman, Craig Harvey.

Mr. Elam said the first item on the finance agenda was Ordinance No. 20-15, which is the 2020 Permanent Budget. He said Council has seen this in some form for the last four weeks. He said he has had a couple of questions, and he has answered those questions. He said this was also discussed in their Saturday workshops. He said all funds are in the black.

Mr. Cleary moved, seconded by Mr. Kline, to favorably recommend Ordinance No. 20-15. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Elam said the next item was Ordinance No. 20-17, which amends the Temporary Budget. He said if Ordinance No. 20-15 does pass this evening, it is not necessary that Ordinance No. 20-17 passes. He said there were a couple of changes, and one they have to have completely done and billed by May 1st is the bike trails He said that allows for payment to be made to satisfy a debt, and they would be reimbursed on that and be able to make their final payment. He said also, the street sweeper has arrived, and this allows them to pay for it based upon the bond that was obtained in 2019. He said if the Permanent Budget does not pass, the Temporary Budget needs to pass to satisfy these outstanding bills.

Mr. Kline moved, seconded by Mr. Cleary, to favorably recommend Ordinance No. 20-17. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Elam said the third item on the agenda is Ordinance No. 20-18, which is the 2020 Salary Resolution. He said initially this had been presented as a salary ordinance and now is being presented as a resolution. He said he thinks everyone should be fully informed on this. Mr. Cleary said he has studied it and is happy with it.

Mr. Cleary moved, seconded by Mr. Kline, to give a favorable recommendation to Ordinance No. 20-18.

Mr. Cleary moved, seconded by Mr. Kline, to adjourn Finance Committee meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

Finance Committee Meeting Minutes taken by Marta Leach and reviewed by John Elam.